Saturday, August 8, 2009

Smiths, Matthew, and a Wedding--Oh my!

In the Czech republic, it is a requirement to be married civilly before you can be sealed in the temple; so we were able to attend a Czech wedding of a return missionary from Liberec in the Decin castle. It was so beautiful! These are a few scenes from the wedding.
Castle rose garden
The groom kissed the bride.
The happy couple coming out of the castle.
A foggy morning outside a different castle in the Czech republic.
Our friends, Rob and April Smith came to visit for a couple of days. It was so good to see them! Here they are in the METRO with President Slovacek on our p-day.
Oh these elders! We were looking all over for them so we could start our meeting, and President found them in the men's room painting on fake mustaches. They said it was Mustache Monday. They washed them off eventually.
Matthew came back to Prague today! We were so happy to pick him up from the airport. While we were walking in downtown Prague, we came across our assistants who were taking in the sights on their p-day. Matthew had a joyful reunion with the two. It's so nice to have him back.

The video is what we experience walking over Charles Bridge. The guy on the sax is pretty good. Notice the castle in the background.


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