Monday, April 21, 2008

The Book of Mormon--My Favorite Book

I don't know how many times I've read it; but I read it every day. And when I get to the last page, as I did today, I start reading it over again from the beginning. The Book of Mormon is my favorite book in the world. It has every element of literature that makes a book worth reading: drama, heroes, villains, sweet love stories ("to me he doth not stink"); but the most compelling reason why I read the Book of Mormon is because it testifies of Jesus Christ and His mission. On nearly every page, there is a testimony from an ancient prophet of Jesus Christ. The culmination of all these testimonies comes in 3 Nephi, when Jesus Christ appears to the inhabitants of the new world. I love this book!

Over the years I have come to know and love the ancient prophets from the Book of Mormon. I marveled at Abinadi's strength of courage when he testified before King Noah; and I cried when he was burned at the stake. I cheer when Captain Moroni comes on the scene and saves his cities from utter destruction with the help from his chief captains Lehi and Teancum. I love Alma's and Amulek's missionary companionship and all they go through together. And I always shudder with claustrophobic horror as Jared and his brother get into those barges that are "tight like a dish". I don't think I would've had that much faith!

Living in the Czech Republic has given me a new appreciation for the Book of Mormon. During the years of communism, when all religious materials were outlawed, the members of the church published their copies of the Book of Mormon, bound in red leather. The letters K.M. were stamped on the front. The government officials thought the little red books were the writings of Karl Marx; but in fact, the letters K.M. stood for Kniha Mormonova--Czech for "Book of Mormon".

How grateful I am for this precious book. Every page is filled with light and truth. For anyone seeking truth, they have no further to go than to open the first page and join Nephi as he tutors us in the ways of Christ.


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