Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Beautiful Christmas Season

I love this time of year! Winter is in full force with chilly weather and dark afternoons. There is no daylight after 4 pm! We have learned that even after the sun goes down, missionary work continues. But it is so beautiful here when everything is decorated for Christmas.

We visited Trebic last Sunday, where I was invited into Primary to watch them practice a Christmas play. Here the children are receiving last minute instructions before they begin the re-enactment of Luke 2. It was fun to watch Mary (little girl in the pink sweater) ride the donkey (little boy in the plaid shirt), and Joseph (little boy in the suit and tie) protect her. To my delight, it was a musical. So every once in awhile, the children would break into a Christmas song. I especially enjoyed it when the donkey got tired and layed down while Mary was trying to balance on top of him.

We had an office party in the apartment upstairs and invited all the missionaries from the office for a Byli Sloan (white elephant) gift exchange. Elder Nelson was particularly pleased to get a kazoo. Here he is showing off his kazoo skills to his wife and Elder Johnson. The Nelsons were released from their mission last week. Though we miss them, I think we'll get along just fine without Elder Nelson's rendition of Jingle Bells on the kazoo.
I tried to enlarge this picture so you can see the Christmas markets (the little red-roofed buildings) they set up in the town squares throughout the Czech Republic. They are so quaint and fun to shop in. They sell everything from hand painted jewelry to homemade cookies and chocolates. We like to go down at night and listen to the carolers sing.

I had Marv stop driving so I could get out a take a picture of the road we were on. We thought this was going to be a major highway..... Before we left on our trip, we thought it was odd that a woman wished us safe travels on our way. When the highway narrowed into a
very tight two lane country road covered in snow, we suddenly knew what she meant. Though the driving was not ideal, the scenery of the countryside was absolutely gorgeous! We were grateful for our snow tires and the office elders who put them on the car right before we left!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Your mission looks like a Christmas fairy land. I would love to step inside those little red-roofed shops and look at all the wares. Be careful on those roads and take good care of yourselves and your missionaries. Your blog is wonderful! We are all praying for you and your missionaries. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

This Country gets more beautiful with every season!
Justin plays hockey with a friend whose family is from Prague. Our families have become good friends and I have been able to share with them the pictures and experiences you are having there. They love talking about "home". Thank you for "keeping it coming" You are spreading the gospel to the people of Czech here at home!:)
Merry CHRISTmas!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your Christmas Post Card and kind words. I guess since you have not yet been assigned a home teacher that I must continue in my duties... You to are missed, but I know that great sacrafice brings forth the blessings of heaven. The lives you change today will multiply into the coming generations and bear a great abundance of delicious fruit. Hundreds will forever have their lives changed by the work of your small group of dedicated missionaries. Tell them I pray for them daily as I do also for you. May the Lords blessings be upon you. This year there will be no talk of pickle buckets, reindeer goal papers, or admonishments ... just a prayer for your safe labors and joyous return. With Love~
Your old hometeacher

Daniel Bodily said...

Thank you so much for keeping this blog! My name is Daniel Bodily and I'm from Eugene, Oregon. I was recently called to this mission (Slovak Speaking) and your blog has shown me a piece of what to expect in Slovakia. I look forward to meeting you in person later this year. This call has been a humbling experience, and I can't even begin to express my excitement as I prepare to serve with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. Many thanks again, Daniel Bodily (Danbodily@gmail.com)