Sunday, May 17, 2009

Prague Wanderings and Brno Women's Conference

I love this picture because you can see the communist museum poster, and in the background is the one of many McDonald's in the city. This makes me laugh every time I see it. There's something very ironic about McDonald's gracing the area where communism once was. By the way, Na Prikope has some great shopping, and also a TGI Fridays.

I had to stop and get a video of this guy performing in Old Towne. He was just too cute.

Last weekend, Sister Alsop and I drove down to Brno to speak at a women's conference, while President Slovacek held a priesthood training in Prague. This is a group shot of some of the women from the Brno District. Sister Alsop is the last person in the top row, right. I am the second from the right on the bottom row. I love these women!


Kira said...

Maybe while you are there, you and Dad should introduce the concept of vowels to the people of Brno.

I enjoyed the shot of McDonalds and the "shout-out" to TGI Fridays. The kids thoroughly enjoyed the video of the old man.

Hope the conference went well. Did you take your many shoes???