Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good bye, Road Trip, and Missionary Stuff

It's that time of year again, when Steven comes for a visit, and then goes back to New York. We miss him and his tech-savy ways!

Every transfer we try to take the office missionaries on a little sight-seeing tour. Here they are smooshed in the van--oh wait, that's just Elder Crane trying to get out of the van. Anyway, we took them to a couple of cute little towns outside of Prague. It was a beautiful day.

A couple of posts ago, I wrote about the Czech Prague Mission song. This is the missionary who made it all happen--Elder Tanner. Here he is at the piano where we would sit and argue over music, timing, and words. Somehow, we made it work.
This is a random shot of the sisters in Prague and Hradec Kralove zones. That's Sister Rust's hair in the back row behind Sister Lee, and Sister Robbins is peeking from in back of me.
This was taken on the day of the last zone conference for Elder Earl and Elder Burgener. We're going to miss them. Slovakia will never be the same without them.


Melissa said...

Florida isn't the same without you! It is so much fun to see your pictures. I can truly tell that you are enjoying yourself to no end! Hope you have a terrific Birthday! Maybe I'll see you in September. Love to you both!