Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our Grandchildren at Busch Gardens, Tampa Florida

This is just too cute not to share. Zoie (almost 4) and Tobin (1 1/2) have annual passes to Busch Gardens. This is a shot of them with Santa--their best friend this time of year. We're hoping they can bring their parents to Prague next year for our last Christmas here. I'm sure they would be good little missionaries.


Sally-Ann said...

I bet Santa was sweating under that suit!! Cute photo!

Melissa said...

What beautiful children they are. I can't believe how they have grown. Sad, we live in the same town and never seem to cross paths.

Liz's Blog said...
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Dawne said...

Ellen, it is hard to believe that you have grandchildren!! We're so grateful that you caught up with us. Who knows, maybe the Skinners will arrive next year!

Anonymous said...

Dear Brother and Sister Slovacek,

I have just been scrolling through your blog. It sounds like you are having a wonderful mission.

I hope you remember me. I was in the Brandon ward I had been to your house several times for YSA and I was in the same session as your son when we both took out our endowments for the first time.

I look forward to reading more of your adventures :)

Love, Sister Robyn (Matcher) Schmidt