Saturday, May 17, 2008

More Pictures from Zone Conference

Hradec Kralove Zone

Slovakia Zone


Lisa said...

Dear Sister Slovacek,

Elder Killpack's mom just tuned me in to your blog and I have just spent a lovely 1/2 hour looking for pictures of Elder Ladle. I found several and that was great. As well, it was great seeing some of the other places of the mission. We are so grateful to you and your husband for all you are doing in behalf of our son. We love him so very much and can't wait to hug him 9 days from today.
Again, thank you and we wish you continued health and happiness on your mission.

Lisa Ladle

Crystal Lilies said...

Sister Slovacek,
I was told about this blog by Elder Grham's Parents. It is a great deal of fun to reading the messages and seeing the images you have recorded. Our son Elder "Starsi" Lindsay will be in your mission in Two days, coming from the MTC. It's interesting that Sister Ladle is writing to you just before me and her son is coming home in 9 days. The start and the finish "Returing with Honor". Our son has a friend in your mission, Elder Cory Graham. It will be interesting to hear from him as he spends the next two years with the missionaries & people of the Czech Republic.
We know that he is in good hands and that there is great love there to meet him. Please know that our prayers and dreams are with you and the missionaries every day.

Thank you again for the opportunity to share in the lives of our missionaries thru your words and impressions.
Sincerely Scott Lindsay