Friday, February 22, 2008

More Scenes from Prague

The Spanish Embassy is our neighbor to the right of us, and the

Israeli Embassy is two doors down from us.

We live on the corner of Milady Horakove and Badeniho on the top floor of a lovely European apartment with lots of tall windows and hardwood floors. We live near a major tram and metro hub, so we get an earthquake effect when the transportation goes by. It took a few days to get used to the chandeliers shaking every few minutes--we always braced ourselves for an earthquake; but now we're used to it.

We have a favorite restaurant that's around the corner from the mission home. We call it "The Restaurant Around the Corner", because we can never think of its real name. The atmosphere and food is pure unadulterated authentic Czech. Offbeat and out of the way from the main tourist attractions, this place is a haven for locals. We quickly became regular customers, and everyone knows us there now as the crazy Americans who like ice in their drinks.


Anonymous said...

I loved the pictures of Prague - Ice in your drinks - em - you are crazy American's. We keep you always in our prayers- I won't ask about the pickle buckets !
~ Your hometeacher ~

Zach and Katie Hillstead said...

Ahoj! My name is Katie Hillstead...and I served in the Czech Prague mission 2004-2005. I just happened to come across your blog somehow and was so excited! I taught in the MTC last year for about 8 months before I graduated and had the privledge to teach some of the elders and sisters that are there now. Looks like you are loving the mission...I miss it! Have fun!

Heidi Lyn said...

Are these new Prague pictures? I actually see green trees and clear skies! This can't be the same city I was in back in January.