Thursday, January 31, 2008

January Events

When Heidi came to visit, she brought out a pair of boots that I had ordered from the states. This is what they look like. They keep my legs so warm! I LOVE them!

This morning Heidi left to go back to Tampa. We enjoyed having her with us for the last couple of weeks. While she was here, we had a violent flu run through the family. Steven and I were the only ones who made it through unscathed. But as sick as she was, Heidi was still able to travel to Krakow, Poland and Kutna Hora to see the bone church. She had a former missionary companion from Bulgaria to travel with, and they had a good time.

(From left to right:Brother Adams, Sister Adams, Sister Oaks, Elder Oaks, me, and President Slovacek)
This past weekend, we were privileged to host our area president--Elder Robert Oaks--and his wife, Gloria, for the Prague District conference. They drove from Germany with their good friends, the Adams. It was an inspiring weekend, listening to the speakers. The Oaks have fascinating stories from the time they served in Africa.

These are the new missionaries who arrived right before the Prague District conference. Elder Killpack, Sister Waite, and Sister Gapinski are a wonderful addition to our mission!

Matt and I took a train to Bratislava to witness the baptism in Slovakia. Pictured here is Elder Roylance and Elder Papworth with their new convert. Bratislava has the best halusky in Moravia, and Matt and I found a great Italian restaurant across from a cathedral in Old Town. Bratislava is the capitol of Slovakia. I love that city! It has a fascinating history.


Anonymous said...

I love the blog. I hope Nathan's mission president does something similar. Nathan leaves in less than two weeks. He's been runnning with me in the morning and volunteering at the food bank in the afternoons (I drive him back and forth.) I've had lots and lots of time with Nathan and it'll be sad and happy when he finally leaves. I hope he'll find Argentina as magical as Prague seems to be.
Take care, Kristy in Rancho

Mom of the pack said...

So grateful to know the work goes forward in Eastern Europe. My heart is there and I love to hear reports of your mission and the church members in Czech and Slovakia. I was also thrilled to see a photo of my son, Elder Killpack! Thanks for the update, Shelley Killpack P.S. Love the boots, too.

Liz's Blog said...

Its Liz Darby Smith. We just got back from Harrison's wedding reception and I ran into Jamie Henry Lawrence. It was so fun to see her. Apparently she was Harrison's wife's young women's leader. Small world. We are all doing well here in Vegas. Patrick is hard at work in medical school. My 2 yr old little boy keeps me busy. We miss you tons! Feel free to visit my blog and leave comments.

Anonymous said...

Awesome Blog. The question I have is what in the world are going to do with those boots at the end of your mission. Not exactly warm weather wear. You guys are in our prayers. Keep up the good work!!

Jeff & Mo